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Played it a few weeks ago...but I'm just commenting now haha. It's a great visual novel so far... Hopefully next updates will be more quicker. Characters are great, story is good so far.

Also, I'm always seeing "Eternum", etc comments, whether it's inspired or an eternum copy it's still a great AVN.

Goodluck on finishing it, I do hope that you would.


Nice Eternum ripoff


as much as people dont want to admit it, its almost IDENTICAL to Eternum. (No hate tho)


These look almost identical the the characters in Eternum... 


I am adding it to my list.

(1 edit) (+2)

Great game, Great Artwork, Great at everything except at the major issue but  you've been rinsed by the comments anyway. It definitely has potential to be one of the best games out there.

You can also see this as you being "inspired" by Eternum brought a lot of attention to the game and made it more popular.

I do hope you finish the game, I wish the best of luck out there.


Thanks for the well wishes. 


First of all, Great game, really good first impression.

The amount of scenes for the release it is feels just right, really like a story more than just a HGame, no rush, get to know and love the characters then get the action.

Clean and beautiful characters, love the MC having long hair.

There's always gonna be "Eternum" comments, i myself see the similarities but nonetheles is difficult to touch on these scifi themes without getting some similar troupes and all in all game is currently on 0.2 there is plenty of time to take the game in a completely different direction as it's barely starting.

I did download the game because i saw said similarities, but if i had my game be compared to some game i would want it to be Eternum. If this was just a shitty try to copy it we wouldn't have gotten such good quality even in early stages, we see the similarities only because there's as much effort and quality, as i said, plenty of time to grow.

Noctus seems chill af, takes actual interest in players feedback and takes it with a good actitude that not all creators can say they have.

Keep doing what you do, you are going in the right track, personally i'm here for the long run and can't wait for the next update (although i in fact can wait, please do take care of your health and take the time you need)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for taking the time to write this - it may not seem like much but it's incredibly heartening to see people enjoy the game. Motivates me to keep pushing, keep developing.


Thank you for dedicating your time to making this game, will be waiting wholeheartedly for 0.3

hi, i played your game for a bit and i want to like it i really do, but ive played eturnum before and manny characters in the first hour ressemble the characters in eternum even if  erlyer charachteristics are sown then in eternum , manny cliches are lining up with eturnum or characters that you used. i know  a story is hard to tell and write/designe. i myself am working on one and there are probbably games out there that resamble my style writing/story(even if i havent found anny right now) but there are because everythis is written already kinda. but you know when i read and see what you´ve done witch is impressive i just see eternum 50% of the time i dont think its bad but it kida feels wierd  to play and somehow know whats going to happen. In the first scene with the mom i hoped that there were no direkt intentions from her but a few clicks along i thought fuXX why. because the disgne is awsome but it feels like i know the story already 

but keep up its a 0.2 and everything can happen and you can change things like ive read and just do your game because its your thought prosses and your time to create something you love, and im just a player that maybe thinks a bit too much . Good luck and have fun creating your own game

Thanks for the feedback :)

Male or Female MC?


Male :)


I had liked 0.1 well enough, in the sense that if had no big turnoffs, and had the potential to, at some point in the future, deliver. I think 0.2 already starts delivering, and I can tell you are building something special with this game. Props for it.

Just one thing I'd like to give some feeback on. The Lara scene is exquisite in the build up of the sexual tension, very well achieved, but I would have had a last choice when she says "we should stop here before we do anything rash". Imo MC pushes too much down the "temp Lara" path without player input, and that seems like the perfect point to introduce a choice, and make the player feel ownership of what does (or doesn't) happen. So, I would add a simple "press on/leave" choice there.


Appreciate the feedback! It's always tricky trying to balance player agency with the complexity of branching paths and flags. It's good to get a read on what choices players find would help with that agency


No problem! I like to play early versions of games to give such feedback ^^

On this point, I am of the mind that if not every sex scene, at least the first time with each major heroine should be preceded by a choice that unequivocally communicates to the player that the result will be a sexual act. 

I know the Eternum comparisons must be getting tiresome to hear, but imo the golden standard of such choices is the choice given there before the first Annie scene, when her and MC sleep topless together. The entire mood of the scene, plus the thoughts of the MC that come right before, make it so the choice can't be understood in any other way than "do lewd stuff/don't", giving players a final chance to back out, or allowing them to "cross the line" in the relation knowingly.

In here, the last choice before Lara and MC get lewd lewd is "mention the swimsuit/don't". In this case,  one could imagine it leading to a normal interaction, or maybe an slightly erotic/suggestive one, but one can see the situation playing out in ways that don't necessarily lead to MC doing what he does to Lara latter on. That's why I said that the point - after the breast fondling - when Lara says "we should stop here" would be ideal for a choice, because if you are given a simple "continue/leave" choice, there's no way for the player to understand the "continue" choice, other than "oh, I'm going to be doing lewd stuff with her right and now".

All that comes previously up to that point has built this mood that makes it clear that, if this situation doesn't stop, it'll end with a sexual act. And that's where you introduce the choice, "stop or open the floodgates", and in doing so you make the player the ultimate master of MCs bedroom adventures. At least that's how my ideal for player agency in getting or avoiding sexual acts in choice-based AVNs goes.


Renders really well made and the camera angle of each frames goes along perfect with the story and it highlight the games beautifully, it gives a more immersive tone to it


in quick i really liked it, a lot


Thank you!



Your renders are really well made. Your game is well-paced, story-driven and overall well written. You are so exceptionally good at what you do, I can barely believe that that this is your first project! Keep it up, will definitly keep an eye on you.

Now, about the Eternum similarities. I'm torn on this. While it's hard to not notice the similarites in the very beginning, you're diverging from it really well and this is no longer an issue afterwards. I think you are well within your rights to take inspiration from other games and your game is anything but a cheap copy. Though as far as first impressions go, it's easy to assume that you're uninspired for someone who is just playing the first 30 minutes. It's kind of depressing that a game of this caliber gets dragged down by good ol' human psychology.

Listen, your game is great. I'd say don't listen to them, but I have to admit that their experience is somewhat relatable. I don't want the beginning to change, but it might also be foolish to not do it. It's a decision I'm definitely not envying you for. Good luck.


Thank you for the kind words and feedback! I think the upcoming updates will do even more to show the originality of the story, but I think you've put it perfectly - first impressions matter. It's a hard choice, and I want to focus on upcoming updates rather than taking away time to revamp previous content... but I'm banking on people being willing to give it a chance all the way through. 

Maybe wishful thinking.


The way I see it, this acts as a kind of filter that only a percentace of new players get past. Though on the other hand, too long intervals between meaningful updates make it harder to retain your current player base, especially in the beginning.

I've seen quite a few projects, like Ripples and Evermore, do a lengthy rework at some later point, to iron out their early flaws. You could consider this too! Or, you could do just a bit of rework with every update, to maybe get the best of both worlds. It depends on how impactful the problem actually is, which I can't really estimate from my POV. Maybe you can do a poll? Don't forget to account for bias though. :P


Promise kept. Eye-focus posted. As an aside, the examples given in this post are not encouraging. Evermore is essentially abandoned, and Ripples artist seems to be growing tired of the assholery of the free masses. Seems to be friendly with the Sad Crab guys though, which, while parts of that game are very good, at the time I first found it, Innocent Witches was a masterclass on how not to do a rework.

Thanks for posting it! You're right, Evermore got abandoned a few days after I posted this, even before the dev was able to publish the rework for it. Not necessarily encouraging, but let's not get superstitious.

It's possible that I am too optimistic about reworks. The thing is, if I were the dev, I'd try to go for it at some point because I want my work to stand on its own, without it being accused of it being overly derivative. On the other hand, who are those people that make this a dealbreaker? Do I really want to cater to them? And yeah, there's always the risk of a rework making things worse. I dont know what the best choice is, this is a decision that only the dev can make. Fingers crossed.

I'm pinging you right now because the dev mistakenly responded to my post instead of yours, here you go:

Is there a Chinese translation available?

Translations are done by the community - not sure if any lovely community members have worked on this already


Hy dev, will futa & lesbian be include in Future? Also girl on girl hardcore( MC involved) with his permission?  Anal? MC on futa, futa on female (with MC permission), MC & Futa on female? 

Please take all my money but add this even as optional if possible. Like a choice route.

(1 edit)

Can i ask when  will version 0.2 for android will come out? Thanks. 

it's already updated to 0.2, you only have to follow the 0.1 android link

Oh.. I see thanks. 

Updated the description so it says 0.2 now!


with this being a harem game im assuming your planning on some kind of threesome in that threesome would any girl on girl/lesbian stuff be avoidable if included at all


Hey, yes - there aren't any plans to have girl on girl content that doesn't involve the MC directly :)


so there will be some that does involve the MC? Will that be avoidble i dont like when the girls fool around with eachother even if the mc is there and involved

(1 edit)

x2 I like threesomes but only if the attention is for the protagonist and not when you share one girl with another.

But hey, it's just my personal taste.

(1 edit) (+1)

Very cool game, I'm looking forward to a sequel with an even bigger plot!! 

And will there be a translation into Russian in the game?

Thanks! More to come in 0.2 👀

I don't have any plans for doing translations myself, but anyone from the community is welcome to do so :)


I hope u dont die before finishing this game .


Haha thank you - definitely not planning to 


Pretty good first episode with very likeable LIs and great renders. The similarities with Eternum are impossible not to notice but it has a lot of potential to be a great game on its own.

I'd say the biggest weakness of this first episode was the lewd scene with the masked girl at the throne that was just very generic and abrupt with not that much of a build up, especially if she's gonna be one of the main LIs in the future. I hope the scenes with the other girls will be more elaborate, especially the animations since it has such great renders to begin with.

I also caught a few typos but nothing too major. There's also a bit where MC and Hayley are setting up their running date that doesn't make much sense where she asks if Sunday is good and he confirms and then he asks her if Sunday is good, so you might want to look into that.


Thanks for the feedback! Always helpful, it's hard to catch all the issues when solo testing 


Even as a crazy fan of Eternum I actually enjoyed this and like everyone else hope that for 0.2 it deviates from it. I also couldn't help but notice in the beginning at the train station, names of places in the Philippines at the background, are you Filipino by any chance? It felt surreal 'cause seeing my small province's name on-screen on that monitor had me trippin' lmao. 


Thanks for playing! I'm not Filipino, just a happy coincidence, haha. Small world.


I may be finished, or not (stopped at throne scene/taking break). This AVN has been amazing. I really love the dream aspect to this game, and the characters all look insanely well.

 Main character doesn't look like the default Steve skin in MC, so big plus.

I'm looking forward for more content, I have a feeling this AVN is going to be one of the best IMO. I hope you continue this project, and other ones forever (as long as you're getting compensated, no slaves here).

I also can't believe I saw an essay of non-sense talking about your AVN could run into problems. Let the creator do his job man, it's just the first chapter. The introduction, way more to come. Saying some bugs/problems here, and there is fine, but bro just went crazy.

"PLAGERISM", bro... calm down. You know how many people do "Climbing from Iron to Radiant / Bronze to Grand Champ" videos? It's just ideas. It's like a hair style, my bad bro that I have the same hair style, but we're a completely different person. NOTHING IN LIFE IS UNIQUE ANYMORE @xxgxxaxx , the game is great. Just because ETERNUM is the best, doesn't mean you have to compare it to every AVN, ETERNUM has a whole team working together, doing so many ideas. Like mysteries, so... every other game with a mystery must be copying ETERNUM (Once in a lifetime).

Looks like I went on a rant of my own, but like... where's the common sense?

Anyways great AVN from you @Noctus Games , really liked it so far. Probably almost done w/ the chapter.


I just finished this game, and man this game has a huge potential. Keep up the good work and thank you for clarifying that there will be no ntr but may I ask what are the future tags? And will pregnancy be one of them?

(1 edit)

Thank you! I can't say 100% what future tags will be just yet (both for spoiler reasons and also because I'm keeping some flexibility around future planned scenes). Re: pregnancy, there aren't plans at this stage to include it, but always open to shifting course depending on feedback from the community!


I see, thanks. I hope pregnancy will be included in the future hehe to add a bit more story and spice to the game. But so far the game is good can't wait for the next update 

Could you do a community poll on whether to include impreg then? Definitely interested in it.

(1 edit) (+3)(-3)

Great first release, i'm intrigued to see where this is going. Definitely following you for updates on Dreamlink and please dont mind the "Eternum copy" comments to much and do your thing. I bet you will make your  own path, not take the one of ignorance or control ;)


Thank you! (love the reference to that choice, haha)


I like what I've played so far and I do see the similarities to Eternum which was said in a different comment. I wont be as harsh the story is just beginning it has time to become it's own vn. I liken the comparisons to say Being a Dik/College Kings on Steam. Two college themed vns but vastly different

Thank you! Expect some big things from 0.2 - I'm confident in the story's direction, and excited to show its originality!


Well you've already hooked me with the story you've set up here, can't wait for more. Keep up the excellent work! 

Thank you so much!

I have really liked the part of the game that you have created now it has been great and it also has a lot of potential.

I have a bit constructive criticism though.

I think that thoughts are being written out way to much I mean the good old show don't tell.

I also didn't really like the lack of music in the first actual scene in the game. You know on the train the sound of that train made me crazy 

Thanks for the feedback! Always looking to improve, so I'll be reviewing this for 0.2


Yay, a new  potiencial game, the visuals of this game looks good


I will be watching with great interest.


I really admire your hard work and efforts.

Looking forward to the next version and wishing you good health

Thank you kindly!


Simply amazing!!, I never thought that I would see a avn that would give tough fight to Eternum but here we have it

Keep Rockin!!

But please don't add stuffs like NTR or Yuri


Thank you so much! And don't worry - no NTR or or yuri planned. This will 100% be a harem game :)

sad that no android link 😅

Added a link to the unofficial port :)


yes now i see, thanks so much 😁


It's rare for a game to come out that's as good as this is, especially when this looks to be your first VN (or at least by looking at your Itch profile it is)!

The story is interesting with a cast of characters that are equally as interesting. The renders are all really high quality and have such great lighting that I was surprised to see that this isn't just your first release but also appears to be your first title!

I've said this about other titles but I kind of hate finding this now and not when it was more developed because I'd love to see more of it right now lol.

Minor bugs I noticed:

  • At the starts when telling Lucy about us thinking it will be nice to spend more time together the bow and arrow light up red indicating we gained a point with her but we actually don't
  • Redirecting the compliment toward Lara also pulses red but no points are actually gained
  • When telling Lucy the truth about our dream it pulses red but no points are gained
  • Red pulse when selecting "Good thing I like mysteries" but no point gained

Or at least I think they're bugs because those choices were often paired with one that I did see either taking you off the path of that character or losing affection with them.


Thank you for such kind words! This is indeed my first title - I spent long months learning how to achieve high quality renders in Honey Select, so I'm glad to hear it's paying off.

The point system is kind of a work in progress - the behaviour you mentioned is actually intentional in 0.1, but may change in future if I work out a good way to minimise code complexity while maintaining affection points and paths. Could I ask, how did you actually know that no affection points were added? I don't recall indicating this anywhere in the game's UI.

Thanks for the feedback!


Sure! I use a mod called URM or Universal Renpy Mod in pretty much every Renpy VN I play, it's a very handy mod which allows the player to do a lot. View variables or values, change them if they want to, and much more.


Alright I guess I have to be THAT GUY, 

I'll start off with some praise, I came in with no expectations and I left intrigued.

that's all I'll say for now in terms of positives, for now let's talk about the issues.

now when it comes to AVN's there could be a plethora of problems that can kill a game (for me at least) for example the dialogue can be sub par leaving you bored out of your mind and waiting for something to wake you from a boring slog thru a simple interaction, or maybe English was the dev's second language and you have to extract information from spliced together lines that somewhat resemble English but don't really.

another could be pacing, where the story is going full throttle from scene one and leaving the player in the dust desperately trying to figure out who's who what's what and just saying "F#*K IT!" and going and doing something else.

basically normal story issues, this game doesn't have those don't worry. It has something worse!

If you have spent any time on this site in the adult tagged section you'll most likely have come across a certain game called Eternum, this game is very popular and for good reason some even going so far as to say it is the best AVN.

this game to put it nicely want's to be that game, I don't blame the dev. I too would want to make something as beloved as Eternum, heck the game has even influenced some story's of mine that I am working on!

However Eternums inspiration on this game is it's weakness and why I can barely enjoy the game.

saying it was inspired is putting it lightly, saying it was influence would be missing the point, saying this game borrowed from Eternum is a gross over simplification.

this game is borderline PLAGERISM! so much so if Eternum's dev sues, he would have a good chance at winning.

look I'm not one of those guys who hates something because it's a ripoff of something I like, I have played I watched many a game and story the borrows heavily from other stories/games but still manage to make something awesome, but this..... this is pathetic, the starting scene's are so hard to get through because I'm too busy being reminded of Eternum to enjoy this game.

look I can overlook superficial element's of the game, we have the not Eternum cast with Not Annie with her sister Not Penny and their mother Not Nancy guest starring Not Daliah with a special appearance from Not Alex, that I can forgive. There are a lot of games with similar characters and archetypes to Eternum again not even I am free of the sin of unoriginality especially with Eternum. 

(also Not Axel appears)

but to bring forth my actual problem let me say this, DreamLink use's Eternum's story to hold up it's own. AND THAT IS A CRYING SHAME!!!

you see Noctus I enjoyed your game I actually did, once I got past the intro it was mostly smooth sailing. the dream world as a plot is fascinating and puts me in mind of Bloodborne, the character's have enough chemistry to make me emotionally invested enough to care when shit was about to hit the fan AND make me disappointed when the end screen hit!

this game has an original plot that I'm interested in but I have to slog through the bit's of Eternum that were lifted from the game and that annoys me it reeks of a fear of originality of taking risks, the same fear big entertainment companies grasp on to that fuels all the unoriginal/sequel/remake/rip-off garbage we see today

in spite of my dislike of the intro I pressed on hoping there was an original game in the copycat and there is, it's just hiding behind the copycat using it as a crutch.

please stop ripping off Eternum and make an original story that doesn't have to use someone else's story as a crutch because I guarantee that will bite you in the ass in the long run,

some advice from me is to redo this section, not scrap all of it and start from scratch but redo the "Eternum like" scenes so that way you can make the story more your own

I might stick around if this goes in a more original direction, I am sorry you had to hear some hash words on your first project, I applaud the fact you even made something like this which makes me envious!

also if not Axel turns out to be Taylor's brother I won't hold out any hope for the future


Thanks for taking the time to write this out, I appreciate the feedback! 

All I can say for now is that I hope when 0.2 comes, you'll still be interested enough to try the update and see its direction. I have confidence it'll win you over!


I hope


Hey bro, let the developer do his story. This is not the first "Caribdis" inspired out there, and when comparing it to a game like, say, "Marked by Eternity", I feel this game has a clearer idea of what it wants to be, and the things it sets out to do it does to great effect. More originality is not always better, if you don't know how to implement it. If this being heavily inspired by Eternum is a negative for you, that's valid. But that doesn't make heavily inspired things not valid. Some of the most well regarded works of fiction are heavily inspired takes on previous ideas.


my problem is that it was copy-pasting over scenes from eternum and that was very distracting, and yes it has an idea of the story it wants to tell I just want the dev to tone down the copy pasting which it doesn't need, for example why have not Penny appear in the kitchen in that dress? it's a straight rip off of eternum and it was done better over there, there are a lot of scenes at mechanics like that were it's ported over from eternum but without the charm that eternum gave it, and I want more scenes thought up by the dev because those scenes had a certain charm to them, and I wanted more of that.

he has a strength that he has not fully utilized, and I want more of that.

Tldr more originality is not always better IN SOME CASES, but even more so UNORIGINALITY is not always a good thing.

Also did you not read my comment? I said it's not inspired it's basically stealing see the example I gave above.

and again, I didn't say heavily inspired works can't work, Halo was heavily inspired by the likes of Warhammer 40k and Dune and look where it ended up!

(1 edit) (+3)

that was amazing, really excited too see how the story evolves and what MC's and the girls' full involvement is. i really loved this! 


Thank you so much!


Good game or NTR/ Sharing? ... 


No NTR planned!


There can be good games with NTR! 

Stop this fake dichotomy, there's no need for it.



(1 edit) (+1)

Great first release, excited to see where it goes!

How long will the wait for 0.2 be? A couple of months? Half a year?

(PS, the Patreon button on the game page is not clickable!)


Hard to give an exact date, but the target is a cadence of a few months per release! I'll be posting progress updates on my Patreon. 

Thanks for letting me know about the button! Fixed now :)


thank you for making this i hope for your success


Thank you <3

Can I play this game in Joiplay?

Have you tried using the Android port linked below?

Will there be an Android version ??


Well looks really good I mean even great it clearly took a lot of inspiration from one if not the best visual novel at the moment, hopefully the story may be a little bit different which it seems to be the case, either way great job man, we will continue waching its development with highly interest.

Keep it up with teh great work! 


Thank you! Keen to showcase how the story evolves in 0.2 and later :)

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